Securing the future through innovative approaches for identifying M&A targets
Every day there is a myriad of news that can be made available globally in real time. However, despite increasing amounts of data, there is often no overview of decision-relevant information, trends and innovations.
Especially in the current phase of a beginning structural change, in which business models and value chains are fundamentally changing, entrepreneurs have to recognize innovations in good time and initiate change processes consistently, especially through the proactive use of M&A options.
Especially when it comes to transactions with innovative young entrepreneurs, business models, competencies and technologies must be checked with great care and brought together precisely. Despite significant transaction and integration risks, the long-term viability of a company increases through the regular execution of M&A transactions.
Successful entrepreneurs proactively develop M&A projects long before a competitor could even guess. The critical success factors for M&A projects today include the use of modern AI-based tools for the identification and screening of suitable targets, but at the same time a close-knit personal network at relevant technology and innovation hubs. This applies to start-ups as well as to established companies. The requirement profile of the M&A consultant has become much more strategic.
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